
Our brochures are available in many languages and organized by product families for easy access to information.
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About us, 2022

About us

Machines and equipment for the production of prestressed concrete elements.

Machinery and Equipment

Machinery and Equipment

Prestressed concrete element production is made up of different intermediate phases, each one accomplished by a dedicated machine...

Extruder EVO

Extruder EVO Machines

The new generation of series EVO extrusion machines represent the state of the art in the production of prestressed hollow core panels...

Extruder EVO2

Extruder EVO2 Machines

The new generation series of EVO2 extrusion machines represent the state of the art in the production of prestressed hollow core panels...

Extruder NANO

Extruder NANO Machines

The NANO Extruder machine represents the state of the art in the production of hollow core slabs suitable for use as either non-load bearing partition walls or as a floor elements...

Slipformer SF

Slipformer SF Machines

The new generation of series SF Slipformer machines represent the state of the art in the production of prestressed concrete elements...

Wet Casting WF

Wet Casting WF Machines

The new generation of series WF Wet Casting machines represent the state of the art in the production of prestressed concrete products with special attributes...

Concrete Elements

Concrete Elements

NORDIMPIANTI’s casting machines can produce a large range of prestressed concrete products such as hollow core slabs for flooring and walls...

Hollow Core Slabs

Hollow Core Slabs

Hollow core slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed...

Inverted T and I-Beams

Inverted T-and I-BEAMS

Inverted T and I-Beams are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed...

Vineyard Posts and Lintels

Vineyard Posts and Lintels

Vineyard posts and lintels are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength...

Prestressed Slabs

Prestressed Slabs

Prestressed slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed...

Inverted Double T-Beams and Slabs

Inverted Double T-Beams and Slabs

Inverted double T panels are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section...

Turnkey Solutions

Turnkey Solutions

In addition we offer element design, production management software, consultancy services and everything you may need to set up the best and most...



In addition we offer element design, production management software, consultancy services and everything you may need to set up the best...
Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved