Inverted I-Beams

Inverted I-Beams are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section.

They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed wires or single wire which are embedded within the element.

The production of these elements is achieved using our Slipformer or Wet Casting machines that cast continuously on a long production bed without the need of any formworks.
Prestressed beams have many uses in floor construction.

A floor is usually made of prestressed T beams with concrete or clay hollow block in-fills. The in-fill blocks can be laid in two layers. The in-fills keep the weight of the floor to a minimum and are then covered with in-situ concrete to form the ribs and the floor slab.

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The shape of the Inverted I-Beams varies within certain limits. Generally they have a swallow-tailed upper part and a rough surface giving a good surface key.
The in-situ concrete topping during construction forms a monolithic block.

Element Dimensions

1) Inverted I-Beam
HxW (mm)
Weight (Kg/m)
h 110x200


Inverted T-Beams
The Plotter machine prints the name of the manufacturer, the production date and the type of steel reinforcement used on the element.

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Inverted T-Beams
Inverted T–Beams can be codified with a Plotter machine to enable product certification and traceability after production.


Inverted T-Beams
Inverted T and I-Beams are produced with NORDIMPIANTI’s Slipformer sf machine using a combination of concrete dosage, vibration compaction and concrete finishing.

The compacted concrete element is so good that it can support the weight of a person immediately after casting.

High Production Rates

Inverted T-Beams
According to the customer’s requirements our Silpformer can be designed to produce up to 18 T-beams at once meaning large production rates.


Inverted I-Beams
Inverted I-Beams
Slipformer for inverted I-Beams
Slipformer for inverted I-Beams
Slipformer for inverted I-Beams
Slipformer for inverted I-Beams
Inverted T-Beams installation
Inverted T-Beams installation
Inverted T-Beams installation
Inverted T-Beams installation
Inverted T-Beams installation
Inverted T-Beams installation
Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved