2400 mm wide

2400 mm wide

The 1x2400/2x1200mm wide hollow core slabs produced with the EVO e240 Extruder are divided into 3 hole types depending on the heights of the elements.

Element heights are variable from 200 to 500mm and can be customized according to specific needs.

The EVO e240 Extruder is capable of producing both hollow core slabs for floors and hollow core wall panels simply by replacing the side formers on the forming insert.

Element features

2 x 1200 mm wide

6 holes

h 200 • Kg/m² 242

5 holes

h 265 mm • Kg/m² 303

4 holes

h 320 mm • Kg/m² 378
h 400 mm • Kg/m² 432
h 500 mm • Kg/m² 521

2400 mm wide

5+5 holes

h 265 mm • Kg/m 708

4+4 holes

h 320 mm • Kg/m 916
h 400 mm • Kg/m 1037
h 500 mm • Kg/m 1257
View evo Extruder machines


Storage of 2400mm wide hollow core slabs
Extruder EVO e240 casting 2400mm wide hollow core slabs
Extruder EVO e240 casting 2x1200mm wide hollow core slabs
Extruder EVO e240
Extruder EVO e240
Extruder EVO e240 casting 500mm high hollow core slabs
Excellent concrete compaction
2400mm wide and 265mm high hollow core slabs
2400mm wide and 400mm high hollow core slabs
2400mm wide and 400mm high hollow core slabs
Storage of 2400mm wide hollow core slabs
Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • info@nordimpianti.com
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved