
Extruder e240evo for Floor and Walls

An Extruder unrivalled
in its ability

The Extruder EVO e240 is designed to meet the demands of producers of hollow core slabs interested in producing elements with a width of 2400mm and heights from 200mm to 500mm.

Working on beds 2400mm wide the machine can produce either 1 hollow core slab 2400mm wide or 2 hollow core slabs with a standard width of 1200mm.

Although the machine is large by comparison it still retains the ease of use and reliability of operation of the standard e120 model.

The e240 Extruder machine is available in various configurations depending on the height of the element required right up to the spectacular H500x2400mm able to span more than 18m ... always assuming that there is the means to lift it.

Floor Elements

2 x 1200 mm wide

6 holes

h 200 • Kg/m² 242

5 holes

h 265 mm • Kg/m² 303

4 holes

h 320 mm • Kg/m² 378
h 400 mm • Kg/m² 432
h 500 mm • Kg/m² 521

2400 mm wide

5+5 holes

h 265 mm • Kg/m 708

4+4 holes

h 320 mm • Kg/m 916
h 400 mm • Kg/m 1037
h 500 mm • Kg/m 1257
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Extruder EVO e240 casting 2400mm wide hollow core slabs
Extruder EVO e240 casting 2x1200mm wide hollow core slabs
Extruder EVO e240
Extruder EVO e240
Extruder EVO e240 casting 500mm high hollow core slabs
Excellent concrete compaction
2400mm wide and 265mm high hollow core slabs
2400mm wide and 400mm high hollow core slabs
2400mm wide and 400mm high hollow core slabs
Storage of 2400mm wide hollow core slabs
Storage of 2400mm wide hollow core slabs
Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • info@nordimpianti.com
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved