Transport Wagons

After the elements are cut on the production beds they are ready to be lifted and transported to the stocking area.

For the transport of the elements Nordimpianti offers different solutions depending on the customer’s needs and the layout of the plant.

Lifting Machine

This machine is used to lift and carry the cut elements from the production bed to the...

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Product Stacker

The machine is used to lift the cut elements from the bed and to stack them along the...

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Pulling Device for Transport wagons

The equipment is used to pull the transport wagons from the production area to the...

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Transport wagons

The wagons are used to transport the elements outside the production factory where a...

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Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved